Friday, 28 September 2012

Journal #3 Shutter Speeds

This photo is an example of Light Painting. For this to work properly you need a long exposure time, which would be 8-15 seconds for it to turn out well. Also I sent the camera on a steady tripod so the photo would not turn out blury. When the shutter opens you move your light sorce around into any form or shape you would like, in this case I formed a heart. Light Painting can be anything, you can make it because you can form anything and chose any different light sorce that could be colourful.
This photo is an example of panning. Panning is an interesting way to make something out because usually the background is blurry. I tried several times to get a good panning image but this is the best one I could get. For panning you need to use a slower shutter speed but not as slow as light painting. Panning used a shutter speed of about 30-60 seconds. To get a good image you need to aim your camera on your target, follow your target with the camera and then take your photo when your target comes into your focus. Panning seems a little bit difficult to me because I found that it was hard to get a good image where your target stands out and the background is blurry. As you can see in this photo Lily does stand out but the background is not that blurry. I found panning a fun way of capturing an image.

This is an example of an action shot. An action shot requires a very fast shutter speed; for mine I used 1/1000. I found that action shots were hard to get because it's hard to snap the right moment. It took me so many tires to get one that I actually liked.
 This image is taken with a strobe light. When using a strobe light your shutter speed should be fast, meaning 1/1000. I believe i used 1/1000 for this image. I found taking pictures with a strobe light very interesting because the camera only captures the motion where the strobe light has hit. A boy was moving his hands, head and body around creating different motions which was causing the camera to capture everywhere is hands have been. I thought that my photo I took of his hands turned out well because I zoomed in so only his hands could have been.  

Friday, 21 September 2012

Journal #2 Pinhole Photos

 This is the very first try of Lily and My's pinhole camera picture. As you can see we went and took a picture of the grave yard. This picture was slightly over exposed before we edited it. You can tell that it was slightly over exposed because half of the photo got cut off because we let a little more light in then we were supposed to. We used the direct sunlight (hazy) on the chart because it was a sunny day but we were slightly in the shade, therefore we held the lens open for 30 seconds.. There was also cross contamination because some of the chemicals touched. In order for this photo to come out the way it was supposed to we should have left the lens open for less than 30 seconds. If we were to retake this photo I think that 15-30 seconds would have been the appropriate time to close the lens, then are picture would have turned out perfectly. Also I think we should have been more careful and aware for when we were developing our photo because of the cross contamination issue.

 The second photo that was took was of the hallway in the school, which didn't turn out as well as we hoped it would because this photo was very under-exposed. You can easily tell that it is under-exposed because most of the picture is plain black except for the areas that direct light was coming in. The only areas where light was let in the camera was the lights on the ceiling and also the light coming in from the doors (that was where the sunlight was coming in). We kept the lens open for 30 seconds, but apparently that wasn't enough time. I understand where we went wrong because we used the direct sunlight(hazy) which was 30 seconds but we shouldn't have used that. We thought it would be direct sunlight. Due to our misunderstanding our picture did not turn out. If we had a chance to retake this photo we would keep the lens open for 7-8 minutes due to the bright interior light because our camera was pointed directly at the bright florescent lights.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Journal Entry #1 "My Culture"

I chose these pictures because I think they best represent me and my life. Three of the pictures I chose are of my dogs, they are a huge part of me because they have been around for as long as I can remember. I have two dogs at both of my houses and I love them all. I love long walks on the beach especially when there is a sunset. I also love to shop, its one of my favourite past times. These pictures are pieces of my life that are all very important to me.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Getting To Know Your Style

The genre of this photo is part of what would be staged photography or also known as fine art. I like this photo because the photographer set it up specifically to take this image. He has used different shades of pins to portray this image. I thought this image was very unique.

Rudolf Vlcek @d o l f i #photography #art